Public Health Commission Migratation to Boston.gov


The Problem

BPHC is part of the City of Boston, but has it’s own separate website that is outdated and hard to update and manage at scale. The migration will have an important impact in making the BPHC data and programs known and accessible to a wider audience of residents.

Deliverables: UX Design: user research, user personas, information architecture, content strategy, wireframes. Boston Public Health Commission

My Role: UX Design and Research


Redesigning and migrating the site

Our team was tasked with completing a thorough review of the information architecture of the Boston Public Health Commission website, and providing the guidance and recommendations for what content should be migrated and integrated into Boston.gov, and where. 

The goals of our discovery process were to: 

  • Ensure we have a clear understanding of BPHC stakeholder and Boston residents’ needs.

  • Determine the most requested and important content categories.

  • Anticipate changing needs in the future to build templates that are flexible and easy to manage.

Discovery: User Research


At the beginning of our design process, we conducted an online survey posted to Boston.gov website and BPHC and boston.gov social networks over two weeks.


  • Define the user groups by understanding who is visiting the BPHC site and why.

  • Understand user behavior, distinguish constraints, identify pain points.

  • Discover insights into the collective mind of both the general site visitors and the stakeholders of organization.

Response Overview

  • 375 responses

  • Participants were screened to be users of bphc.org

  • 65% had never visited the bphc website, 35% had visited the bphc website

  • Participants were from 26 different neighborhoods of Boston


We then conducted interviews with internal stakeholders, healthcare partners, community partners, and general residents.


  • Learn about the background, vision, goals, core values, audience, and context of each stakeholder’s area of focus.

  • Understand the motivations of the users and what their needs are.

  • Uncover common beliefs, issues, and pain points.

  • Discover what technical, financial, organizational, or other constraints exist.


  • Zoom interviews with 10 participants

  • Participants were community partners, internal/ program owners, healthcare partners, and general residents

We then synthesized the response data from the survey using affinity boards and defining the key interests, challenges/pain points, and feedback of visitors.

Research Synthesis: Defining Project Goals

We then used the data collected from the survey and stakeholder interviews into clear insights and project goals.

GOALS: What would success look like in the redesign?

  • Provide easy-to-find information

  • Simplify and streamline the content

  • Show more community

INSIGHTS: How might we….

  • Guide the viewer

  • Add more interactivity

  • Include more video

  • Improve accessibility

  • Have the ability to update content frequently and easily

  • Have online integrations/payment features with partner organizations
